Buchen Sie direkt bei uns und wir garantieren Ihnen den günstigsten Buchungspreis.
Jetzt BuchenThe following prices include all inclusive services.
Note on value added tax:
The indicated amount includes 7 % VAT, which can be reclaimed as input tax when rented by companies.
Information on the additional accommodation levy:
The City of Dortmund levies an accommodation tax of 7.5% on stays.
For more informations, please contact city of Dortmund: Steueramt 21/4-3 Löwenstraße 11, 44122 Dortmund - Frau Tebroke / Frau Potthoff Tel. (0231) 50-23256 / 50-27139 Fax (0231) 50-26013 Zimmer 216 - steueramt@dortmund.de